Inception of the English Medium Unit (Bilingual Unit)
It was a period, English medium education was available only in the very popular colleges in the island
The thirst of English knowledge was felt every nook and corners of the country.
Even though it was too late, Ministry of Education felt the need of English medium education and issued a circular in the year 2002 asking all the schools that had the necessary infrastructure to incept the English medium education from Grade 6. This project was named Amity School program.

Luckily Madeena had the minimal resources and was able to introduce English medium education at the secondary level simultaneously with all the other top level schools in the country
It was the year 2002, Madeena started the English medium education.
Former principal Alhaj M.L.M..Ismail was the key person who took the initiative to introduce English medium education at Madeena.
Though it was a difficult task, Mr. Ismail took it as a challenge and implemented the program.
Mr. Ismail was assisted by former deputy principals Mr. A.H.M.Haniffa, Mr. M.T.M.Mothammir and Mr. A.L.M.Hassim in the introduction of English Medium Unit.
We also received overwhelming support from the parents and other teachers of the school.
We can proudly say that we are the pioneers in starting the English Medium education among the Muslim Schools in the Kurunegala District.

Former teacher of Madeena Mr. M.H.M.Nawas who now works at Zahira College Mawanella was appointed as the head of the unit.
He took the responsibility and actively involved in the unit guiding the teachers and students in the correct path.
Late Mrs. Cader (Former Sectional Head) and former English teacher Mr. Gafoor were also behind Mr. Nawas at all the time in the progress of the English Medium Unit.
The first batch of English Medium Unit (Grade 6 – 2002) was started with 27 students and initially only three subjects were implemented.- Mathematics, Science and Environmental Studies. These three subjects were done by ………………………………………
It is true we had to face many obstacles at the beginning due to the lack of text books, Teachers’ Guide and other resources, But our teachers and students never lost their courage and made it possible.
After the retirement of Mr. Ismail in 2006 his successors Mr. Muzammil, Mr. A.L.M.Mansoor and Mr. M.L.M.A. Sathar, Mr M J M Mansoor, Mr Zackariya, Mr Fais, Mr Abdul Rahman & Mrs Munawwara also took much efforts in developing the English medium unit.

We should also never forget the guidance and support received from the retired English teacher Mrs. Badrunnisa Wajid in developing the Unit.
Today there are more than ……………… students from grade 6 to grade 11 and the number is gradually increasing
The first batch of students who sat the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination in 2007 passed the examination with flying colors.
We are also preparing another set of students to sit for the GCE Advanced Level examination in English medium this year in the Science and Commerce stream.
Now we have the courage and the confidence to carry this task forward specially with the support of the Principal, Staff and the Parents.

At present, the English Medium Unit is called the Bi-lingual Unit and it is headed by Mrs. N.M.S.Farwin (The Sectional Head) who Sacrifices most of her time with students. .
Because of the English Medium Unit, Madeena is becoming more popular and shining not only in the Kurunegala district but also in the whole country
English Medium Unit is really a gift of Almighty Allah for the students of Madeena.
At present, with the help and Support of our dedicated Principal Mr. Hythar Ali and regular advices from Deputy Principals the English Medium Unit is progressing smoothly in its way to the success.
Present Teachers of English
- Mr.
- Mrs.
- Mr.